A Disgraceful Example of B.A.D. Science (biased, agenda-driven)
Anti-Choice “Research” on Maternal Mortality in Chile
(updated June 2018)
One of the weaknesses of the anti-choice position is the failure
to confront the death toll from unsafe abortion. In recent years, however, some
anti-choicers have tried to challenge the estimates. In particular, an
anti-choice group of professional researchers and doctors has formed for the
sole purpose of publishing their own “research” in mainstream venues, in an
effort to put a gloss of scientific respectability on their religious ideology.
Called “We Care,” the name exemplifies
the dishonest approach of the anti-choice movement – pretending to care about
women, while in reality working to relegate women to a baby-making role and
hide their suffering and deaths from unsafe illegal abortion.
One of the key members of “We Care” is Elard Koch, an epidemiologist from Chile. Through “We Care,” Koch and his associates appear to be using Chile
as a testing ground for the practice of deliberately obfuscating data in order
to deny the existence of unsafe abortion and its consequences. This has potentially
serious global consequences.
I have exposed
Koch as an anti-choice ideologue who pretends to use the scientific method, but whose work is filled with factual errors and serious distortions because he's abusing science to promote
his personal views.
Koch and I have a “connection” going back to 2010, which partly explains my
interest in this issue. Prior to the G8/G20 summit in Canada in 2010, Prime
Minister Stephen Harper refused
to include funding for safe abortion as part of Canada’s commitment to reduce
maternal mortality in developing countries. On March 4, 2010, the Saskatoon
Star Phoenix published my op-ed
explaining that legal abortion saves women’s lives and why anti-choice claims to
the contrary were wildly false. A “rebuttal" was printed 11 days later in this small Prairie paper, which is little known
outside of Canada, but Elard Koch of Chile was the author.
Koch has recently made it his mission to discredit the
Guttmacher Institute, a highly respected organization that
specializes in global research on reproductive health. But it’s Koch, not Guttmacher, who’s using
research methods so flawed they can only be called a disgrace to science. Even a
non-scientist like myself can easily discredit his studies, even though Koch is
highly educated and trained, with a prestigious academic
position at a university – an intelligent and experienced man who should know
The anti-choice movement loves Koch and his “studies,” with
hundreds of favourable links and comments all over the place, but very few rebuttals
have been published. Below is a compendium of the small number of pieces I've come across, in order from oldest to most recent. (This list is kept updated.)
Review of a Study by Koch et al on the Impact of Abortion Restrictions on Abortion Mortality in Chile
Summary: The
study by Koch et al. (in PLOS ONE) asserts that the expansion of abortion restrictions in
Chile in 1989 did not lead to an increase in the incidence of abortion-related mortality.
The study concludes that “making abortion illegal is not necessarily equivalent
to promoting unsafe abortion.” However, the study has several serious
conceptual and methodological flaws that render some of its conclusions pertaining
to abortion and maternal mortality invalid.
Anti-choice researchers in Chile try to hide illegal abortion -- and women who die from it
Review of a Study by Koch et al on the Impact of Abortion Restrictions on Abortion Mortality in Chile
By the Guttmacher
Institute, May 2012
By Joyce Arthur, June 1, 2012
This article refutes Koch’s dangerously flawed study (PLOS ONE) that
examined various factors associated with Chile's declining maternal mortality
rate, and concluded – incredibly – that the legal status of abortion has no
influence on maternal deaths in Chile, a country that completely prohibited
abortion for any reason in 1989. By rendering invisible the women who are
injured or die from illegal abortion, the study is a dangerous weapon that
threatens to slow down the global decrease in maternal mortality and continue
allowing women to suffer and die unnecessarily.
Refutations of Elard Koch’s errors and distortions in his rebuttal to the Guttmacher Institute
Refutations of Elard Koch’s errors and distortions in his rebuttal to the Guttmacher Institute
By Joyce Arthur, June 1, 2012
This piece refutes several specific aspects of Koch’s study (PLOS ONE), as well as his response to Guttmacher's May 2012 rebuttal (see below). Topics
addressed include:
- Illegal abortions still common in Mexico
- Increases in abortion after legalization to be expected
- Koch guilty of over-reliance on official statistics and unwarranted dismissal of evidence that doesn’t fit anti-choice ideology
- Small numbers of pre-1989 legal abortions in Chile
Conclusion: “In my
opinion ... Koch's
anti-choice advocacy as a privileged male academic in Chile is an
irresponsible abuse of power that puts women's lives and health at risk – not
just in Chile, but throughout LatinAmerica wherever abortion is mostly illegal.”
Estimating Induced Abortion Incidence: Rebuttal to a Critique of a Guttmacher Methodology
This rebuttal
from Guttmacher demolishes Koch’s false
accusations about Guttmacher’s “flawed” methodology for calculating the incidence
of illegal abortion in Latin American countries, particularly Colombia and
Mexico. The above link goes to the detailed rebuttal, but here is a Summary.
Quote: “The Koch et al. critique is characterized by pervasive distortions of
Guttmacher's methodology, and their proposed alternative methodology is based
on scientifically unsound and illogical assumptions and contains such serious
errors that its results are not valid."
By GIRE, August 15, 2012
GIRE (Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida, a reproductive rights group working to decriminalize abortion in Mexico) summarizes Guttmacher's above rebuttal to Koch. They conclude by saying: "Why falsify data? Conservative groups’ strategies have changed: they have moved from moralizing and demonizing reproductive rights to constructing scientific, secular and apparently aseptic semi-truths. Nevertheless, now more than ever it is important to demonstrate that just like law and bioethics, science shows that women are right: Having the power to make decisions regarding their own bodies is good, just and healthy."
Estimating Induced Abortion Incidence: Rebuttal to a Critique of a Guttmacher Methodology
By Susheela Singh and Akinrinola Bankole, Guttmacher
Institute, July 30, 2012
By GIRE, August 15, 2012
GIRE (Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida, a reproductive rights group working to decriminalize abortion in Mexico) summarizes Guttmacher's above rebuttal to Koch. They conclude by saying: "Why falsify data? Conservative groups’ strategies have changed: they have moved from moralizing and demonizing reproductive rights to constructing scientific, secular and apparently aseptic semi-truths. Nevertheless, now more than ever it is important to demonstrate that just like law and bioethics, science shows that women are right: Having the power to make decisions regarding their own bodies is good, just and healthy."
By Marc, December 6, 2012
This is an anti-choice article criticizing Guttmacher, to which I contributed many comments in an online debate underneath, with "Por Polilla." (The above link goes directly to my first comment in the thread; it's the fourth comment posted in case you can't find it. To read the article itself, just scroll up.)
Basically, Por Polilla wanted evidence that Guttmacher's methodology was credible and independently validated, and when I gave it to her, along with evidence and arguments refuting Koch's methodology, she turned off her mind and said she found Koch's proven errors and lies more believable. The debate is an illuminating window into anti-choice non-thinking – especially her last comment (which I didn't respond to), in which she simply repeats one of Koch's most egregious errors that I had already exposed as false in a previous comment to her.
(Unfortunately not available online anymore - June 2018)
By Ipas-Mexico, December 11, 2012
Ipas-Mexico first published an analysis of maternal and
abortion-related mortality in Mexico from 1998 to 2008, in the Journal of
Gynecology & Obstetrics (2012, S78-S86). Koch published a “rebuttal” to this in the International
Journal of Women's Health. IPAS responded with the above-linked piece.
Excerpt: "[Koch et al.] have attempted to discredit
this research, following a pattern of calling into question any public health
research that reveals that clandestine, unsafe abortion has a negative impact
on public health in the region. … However, Koch’s work has been discredited in
the past by the Guttmacher Institute, and the current paper likewise uses
methodologies that are confused and scientifically unsound. Rigorous, broadly
validated research methodologies continue to show that abortion is a
significant contributor to maternal mortality in Mexico, with a
disproportionate effect on rural and low-income women.”
by the Guttmacher Institute, December 14, 2012
Guttmacher criticizes Koch for recycling his disproven claims about Guttmacher's methodology, concluding: "We reiterate that Guttmacher rejects these false criticisms and stands by the validity of its methodology." Guttmacher also takes the opportunity to critique in more detail one of Koch's worst errors (in my opinion it's most likely a deliberate lie): He confuses the number of abortions in Mexico City with the number for all of Mexico.
by Sharona Coutts and Sofia Resnick, Rewire, November 13, 2014 - and kept updated
At least twenty anti-choice activists and researchers are exposed as "False Witnesses," including Dr. Elard Koch, and several of his most common co-authors, including Byron Calhoun, John Thorp, and Monique Chireau. At the outset of the project in 2014, the authors stated: "Each member of the False Witnesses gallery has pushed false information
designed to mislead the public, lawmakers, and the courts about
abortion. RH Reality Check [now Rewire] analyzed scores of public records,
contracts, public statements, and research articles, and identified
their key falsehoods in order to set the record straight."
Koch's "Signature Falsehood": That making abortion illegal does not result in more maternal deaths.
BMJ Open Study on Abortion Mortality Is Deeply Flawed
by Joyce Arthur, April 9, 2015
A Feb 2015 study in the BMJ Open by Dr. Koch and 9 co-authors purports to show that Mexican states with more restrictive abortion laws have lower maternal mortality rates than states with more permissive laws. This rebuttal exposes the study as egregiously flawed and biased. As such, it poses an unacceptable risk to public health because it could be used to advocate the criminalization of necessary healthcare for women.
A longer version of this rebuttal, which includes a key section on the biases and lack of credibility of the authors, was previously published at Rewire: 'False Witnesses' Publish Deeply-Flawed Study on Abortion Mortality in Mexico. (March 25, 2015)
Study Still Dead After Resurrection Attempt Fails
BMJ Open Study on Abortion Mortality Is Deeply Flawed
by Joyce Arthur, April 9, 2015
A Feb 2015 study in the BMJ Open by Dr. Koch and 9 co-authors purports to show that Mexican states with more restrictive abortion laws have lower maternal mortality rates than states with more permissive laws. This rebuttal exposes the study as egregiously flawed and biased. As such, it poses an unacceptable risk to public health because it could be used to advocate the criminalization of necessary healthcare for women.
A longer version of this rebuttal, which includes a key section on the biases and lack of credibility of the authors, was previously published at Rewire: 'False Witnesses' Publish Deeply-Flawed Study on Abortion Mortality in Mexico. (March 25, 2015)
Study Still Dead After Resurrection Attempt Fails
By Joyce Arthur, October 17, 2015
The August 11 response of Dr. Elard Koch and
several co-authors fails to rectify the two major flaws in their study on the effect of Mexico's abortion laws on maternal mortality. I exposed those flaws in my April 9 rebuttal. Their response further
confirms those flaws, and also ignored many of my
arguments and repeated many of their disputed points.
This reply explains why those
two major errors remain fatal to their study’s conclusion (that restrictive abortion laws in Mexico are unrelated to maternal mortality, and may even reduce it). I then address the
question of anti-abortion bias, which I believe played a key role in the flawed
design of the study. To be fair, I also address my own biases. Finally, I deal
with several ancillary issues arising from Koch et al.’s response.
At 10:59 AM,
sewa mobil said…
Nice article, thanks for the information.
At 4:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Koch is not gynecologist, nor physician... He is just physiotherapist, with a M.Sc. and was studyng a Ph.D. on statistics or demography.
Best wishes !!!
At 5:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Elard Koch is not a physician !!!
El kinesiólogo de la Universidad de Chile, Elard Koch, autor de la investigación, explica que el interés del estudio se centra en “corroborar si el bajo nivel socioeconómico y de educación causaba mortalidad en la población y si esto era independiente de otros factores de riesgo, biológicos o individuales bien establecidos, como hipertensión arterial, diabetes y colesterol elevado”.
At 5:29 PM,
choice joyce said…
Thank you! I was so intent on refuting he was saying, I forgot to double-check his credentials, lol. Actually it looks like he's an epidemiologist, at least that what recent reports say. I guess that means not an MD, and definitely not a gynecologist.
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